Make your video look interesting
is a Video Podcast , Recording , Video Object

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Property Object
Dataset OU podcasts
Publisher The Open University
Is part of Digital Film School
subject There are 30 more objects.
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To t156
Course t156
Relates to course t156
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Transcript t156digital16_01676_16624.pdf
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Depiction t156_jpeg_01676_std.jpg
Duration 00:01:27
Duration 00:01:27
Published 2011-09-21T05:05:48.000Z
Create date 2011-09-21T05:05:48.000Z
Duration PT87S
Copyright The Open University 2011
Description Rick Goldsmith explains some of the creative techniques to help you produce the best from your location.
Comment Rick Goldsmith explains some of the creative techniques to help you produce the best from your location.
Description Rick Goldsmith explains some of the creative techniques to help you produce the best from your location.
Format video/x-m4v
Language English
Title Make your video look interesting
Label Make your video look interesting
Title Make your video look interesting

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OU podcasts Resource