TESSA - Let me do the Cooking Mama
is a Audio Podcast , Recording , Object

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Property Object
Dataset OU podcasts
Publisher The Open University
Is part of TESSA: Active Learning
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  • <iframe src="http://player.open.ac.uk/embed/eb8ffc529c" height="270" width="480" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Published on iTunes true
Transcript 10-audio-track.pdf
URL http://podcast.open.ac.uk/feeds/tessa-active-learning/10-audio-track.mp3
Download http://podcast.open.ac.uk/feeds/tessa-active-learning/10-audio-track.mp3
Download http://podcast.open.ac.uk/feeds/tessa-active-learning/10-audio-track.mp3
Locator http://podcast.open.ac.uk/feeds/tessa-active-learning/10-audio-track.mp3
Depiction tessa-active-learning_00285_std.jpg
depiction tessa-active-learning_00285_std.jpg
Depiction tessa-active-learning_00285_std.jpg
Duration 00:04:11
Duration 00:04:11
Published 2008-12-24T00:56:42.000Z
Create date 2008-12-24T00:56:42.000Z
Duration PT251S
Copyright The Open University 2008
Description Mama Fati's daughter and friend try to help in the kitchen. Unfortunately, they do some things wrong and Mama Fati has to advise them on the best way to cook and learns something herself along the way.
Comment Mama Fati's daughter and friend try to help in the kitchen. Unfortunately, they do some things wrong and Mama Fati has to advise them on the best way to cook and learns something herself along the way.
Description Mama Fati's daughter and friend try to help in the kitchen. Unfortunately, they do some things wrong and Mama Fati has to advise them on the best way to cook and learns something herself along the way.
Format audio/mpeg
Language English
Title TESSA - Let me do the Cooking Mama
Label TESSA - Let me do the Cooking Mama
Title TESSA - Let me do the Cooking Mama

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OU podcasts Resource