Speaking English in the U.K
is a Video Podcast , Recording , Video Object

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Dataset OU podcasts
subject There are 82 more objects.
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Publisher The Open University
Is part of English: Language of opportunity
To u214
Course u214
Relates to course u214
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  • <iframe src="http://mediaplayer.open.ac.uk/embed/pod/u214-Opportunity/1eb54214f3" height="270" width="480" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen></iframe>
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Published on iTunes true
Transcript speaking_english_in_the_u.k_01494_14928.pdf
URL http://podcast.open.ac.uk/feeds/u214-Opportunity/u214_opportunity05.m4v
Download http://podcast.open.ac.uk/feeds/u214-Opportunity/u214_opportunity05.m4v
Download http://podcast.open.ac.uk/feeds/u214-Opportunity/u214_opportunity05.m4v
Locator http://podcast.open.ac.uk/feeds/u214-Opportunity/u214_opportunity05.m4v
Depiction Tunes-template_01494_std.jpg
depiction Tunes-template_01494_std.jpg
Depiction Tunes-template_01494_std.jpg
Duration 00:10:37
Duration 00:10:37
Published 2011-07-22T04:04:31.000Z
Create date 2011-07-22T04:04:31.000Z
Duration PT637S
Copyright The Open University 2011
Description Raghavendra and Nandini's families have had a relationship with English for many generations.
Comment Raghavendra and Nandini's families have had a relationship with English for many generations.
Description Raghavendra and Nandini's families have had a relationship with English for many generations.
Format video/x-m4v
Language English
Title Speaking English in the U.K
Label Speaking English in the U.K
Title Speaking English in the U.K

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OU podcasts Resource