In KMi, I work as a Research Associate acting as a technical lead and a data scientist of OU Analyse Project ( The project is focused on improving student retention at Open University using machine learning techniques. I am exploring how to best use OUAnalyse to teachers (Associate Lecturers) in order to better use data and analytics for improving student outcomes. Moreover, I am responsible fore design and the development of the Curriculum Analytics Tool (CAT) - the tool has been deployed in 2017 to help in the curriculum review. It is expected to facilitate data-informed decisions on the curriculum and finance planning in the future.
I am a Visiting Research Fellow. Currenlty at Swiss Distance University of Applied Sciences
(Fernfachhochschule Schweiz – FFHS) - The Institute for
Research in Open, Distance and eLearning (IFeL) I spent 7 years in KMi, most recently as technical lead and a data scientist of OU Analyse Project ( The project is focused on improving student retention at Open University using machine learning techniques. I am exploring how to best use OUAnalyse to teachers (Associate Lecturers) in order to better use data and analytics for improving student outcomes. Moreover, I was responsible for design and the development of the Curriculum Analytics Tool (CAT) - the tool has been deployed in 2017 to help in the curriculum review. It is expected to facilitate data-informed decisions on the curriculum and finance planning in the future.