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Account The Open University account for Philip Seargeant
Job title Snr Lecturer (English Lang/App Ling)
Biography <p>I am an applied linguist, specialising in the relationship between language, politics and social media.</p><p>@philipseargeant</p><p><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a></p><p><strong>Research</strong></p><p>My research focuses on:</p><ul><li>Language and social media, with a particular focus on the politics of online interaction. This includes&nbsp;the project&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank">Creating Facebook:&nbsp;the management of conflict and the pursuit of online conviviality</a>&nbsp;(with Caroline Tagg).&nbsp;Details of&#39;context design&#39; can be found&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank">here</a>. Findings from this project fed into the<a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">evidence</a>we presented to the parliamentary select committee on&#39;fake news&#39; in 2017/18. (Link to supplementary<a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">evidence</a>.)</li><li>English around the world.</li><li>Language and creativity. This includes the project&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank">Creativity and politics in the linguistic landscape</a>(with Korina Giaxoglou and Frank Monaghan).</li><li>I was prevoiusly director of the Language and Communication Research group, and before that of the Applied Linguistics and Literacies Research Group. I am on the editorial boards of<em><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">English Today</a></em>and<em><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">World Englishes</a></em>.</li></ul><p>In addition to this I have worked as a consultant for the BBC on a number of programmes, and&nbsp;written for publications such as&nbsp;<em>The New European</em>,&nbsp;<em>The Huffington Post</em>,&nbsp;<em>Times Higher Education</em>,&nbsp;<em>Prospect</em>,&nbsp;<em>The Independent</em>,&nbsp;<em>The Washington Post, OpenDemocracy, The New Statesman&nbsp;</em>and&nbsp;<em>Lib</em><em>&eacute;ration</em>. Please see&nbsp;<a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>&nbsp;for more details.</p><p><strong>Teaching&nbsp;</strong></p><p>I teach language and communication studies, focusing on topics including linguistic creativity, English around the world, and the relationship between language, politics and society.&nbsp;</p><p>I am currently working on the new Level 2 undergaduate module L201.&nbsp;Previously I was&nbsp;deputy chair on the production of&nbsp;L101 An Introduction to English Language Studies,&nbsp;production chair of&nbsp;the undergraduate module&nbsp;<em><a href="" target="_blank">E302 Language and Creativity</a>,&nbsp;</em>(winner of a Teaching Excellence Award)&nbsp;and&nbsp;have contributed to&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank"><em>A105 Voices, Texts and Material Culture</em></a>,&nbsp;<em>A150 Voices and Texts</em>,&nbsp;<em><a href="" target="_blank">U214 Worlds of English</a>,</em>&nbsp;<em>U211 Exploring the English Language</em>,&nbsp;<em><a href="" target="_blank">EA300 Children&rsquo;s Literature</a>&nbsp;</em>(winner of OU Teaching Award),&nbsp;<em>E854 Investigating Language in Action&nbsp;</em>and&nbsp;<em><a href="">EE817 Applied Linguistics and English Language</a></em>.</p><p>I have also authored several award-winning Open Educational Resources.&nbsp;Please see&nbsp;<a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>&nbsp;for more details.</p><p><strong>Publications</strong></p><p><strong>Books</strong>(for full details of books see<a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>)</p><p><span style="caret-color: rgb(0, 0, 0); color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-size: 11pt; font-family: Arial, sans-serif;">Seargeant, P. (2020)&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank"><i>The Art Of Political Storytelling: Why Stories Win Votes In Post-Truth Politics</i></a>, London: Bloomsbury</span></p><p>Seargeant, P. (2019)<em><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">The Emoji Revolution: How Technology is Shaping the Future of Communication</a></em>.&nbsp;Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.</p><p>Seargeant, P., Hewings, A. and Pihlaja, S. (eds) (2018)<a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><em>The Routledge handbook of English Language Studies</em></a>. Abingdon: Routledge.</p><p>Tagg, C, Seargeant, P. and Brown, A. A. (2017)<a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><em>Taking offence on social media: conviviality and communication on Facebook</em></a>. London: Palgrave Macmillan.</p><p>Demj&eacute;n, Z. and Seargeant, P. (eds) (2016)&nbsp;<em>Creativity in language: From everyday style to verbal art</em>. Milton Keynes: Open University.&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank">Companion website</a>.</p><p>Hewings, H., Prescott, L. and Seargeant, P. (eds) (2016)&nbsp;<a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><em>Futures for English Studies: Teaching language, literature and creative writing in higher education</em></a>. Hounslow: Palgrave Macmillan.</p><p>Seargeant, P. and Tagg, C. (eds) (2014)&nbsp;<a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><em>The language of social media: identity and community on the internet</em></a>. London: Palgrave Macmillan.</p><p>Seargeant, P. and Greenwell, B. (2013)&nbsp;<a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><em>From language to creative writing: an introduction</em></a>. London: Bloomsbury Academic.</p><p>Erling, E. J. and Seargeant, P. (eds) (2013)&nbsp;<a href=";sf1=title_exact&amp;st1=englishanddevelopment" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><em>English and development: policy, pedagogy and globalization</em></a>. Bristol: Multilingual Matters.&nbsp;</p><p>Seargeant, P. (2012)&nbsp;<a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><em>Exploring World Englishes: language in a global context</em></a>. Abingdon: Routledge.&nbsp;<a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Companion website</a>.</p><p>Seargeant, P. and Swann, J. (eds) (2012)&nbsp;<em><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">English in the world: history, diversity, change</a>.&nbsp;</em>Abingdon: Routledge.&nbsp;<a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Companion website</a>.</p><p>Seargeant, P. (ed.) (2011)&nbsp;<a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><em>English in Japan in the era of globalization</em></a>. Hounslow: Palgrave Macmillan.</p><p>Seargeant, P. (2009)&nbsp;<a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><em>The idea of English in Japan: ideology and the evolution of a global language</em></a>. Bristol: Multilingual Matters.</p><p><strong>Journal articles</strong></p><p>Tagg, C. and Seargeant, P. (2019) Context design and critical language/media awareness: implications for a social digital literacies education,&nbsp;<em>Linguistics and Education</em>,</p><p><span>Seargeant , P. and Chapman, C. (2019) Using Shakespeare to teach English in the digital age.&nbsp;<i>ELT Journal</i>, 73: 1, pp. 21&ndash;30 .</span></p><p>Erling, E. J., Hasan Chowdhury, Q., Solly, M. and Seargeant, P. (2018)&lsquo;Successful&rsquo; migration, (English) language skills and global inequality: The case of Bangladeshi migrants to the Middle East,<em>Multilingua</em>, DOI:&nbsp;</p><p>Seargeant, P. and Tagg, C. (2018) Social media and the Future of Open Debate: a User-Oriented Approach to Facebook&rsquo;s Filter Bubble Conundrum,&nbsp;<em>Discourse, Context&amp; Media,&nbsp;</em></p><p>Seargeant, P. (2017) The symbolism of English on the Brexit battleground.<em>World Englishes</em>, 36: 3, pp. 356&ndash;359.</p><p>Seargeant , P., Erling, E. J., Solly, M. and Hasan Chowdhury, Q. (2017) The communicative needs of Bangladeshi economic migrants: The functional values of host country languages versus English as a lingua franca.<em>Journal of English as a Lingua Franca</em>, 6: 1, DOI:;</p><p>Seargeant , P., Erling, E. J., Solly, M., Hasan Chowdhury, Q. and Rahman, S. (2016) Analysing perceptions of English in rural Bangladesh: insights from postcolonial theory and world Englishes.<em>World Englishes</em>, DOI: 10.1111/weng.12215&nbsp;</p><p>Erling, E. J., Seargeant , P. and Solly, M. (2014) English in rural Bangladesh: How is language education perceived as a resource for development in rural communities?<em>English Today</em>. 30: 4, pp. 15-21.</p><p>Hewings, A. and Seargeant, P. (2014) Constructing the discipline: pedagogically-focused knowledge production in English language studies.<em>Open Learning: The Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning</em>. 29: 2, pp. 131-144.</p><p>Tagg, C. and Seargeant, P. (2012) Writing systems at play in Thai-English online interactions.&nbsp;<em>Writing Systems Research.&nbsp;</em>4: 2, pp. 195-213.</p><p>Seargeant, P., Tagg, C. and Ngampramuan, W. (2012) Language choice and addressivity strategies in Thai-English social network interactions.<em>Journal of Sociolinguistics</em>. 16: 4, pp. 510&ndash;531.</p><p>Pan Lin and Seargeant, P. (2012) Is English threatening Chinese language and culture?<em>English Today</em>. 28: 3, pp. 60-66.</p><p>Seargeant, P. (2012) Disciplinarity and the study of world Englishes.<em>World Englishes</em>. 31: 1, pp. 113&ndash;129.</p><p>Seargeant, P. and Tagg, C. (2011) English on the internet and a&lsquo;post-varieties&rsquo; approach to language.<em>World Englishes</em>. 30: 4, pp. 496&ndash;514.&nbsp;</p><p>Seargeant, P. (2011) Lexicography as a philosophy of language.<em>Language Sciences</em>, 33: 1, 1&ndash;10.</p><p>Seargeant, P. (2010) Naming and defining in World Englishes.<em>World Englishes</em>. 29:1, pp. 99-115.</p><p>Seargeant, P. (2010) The historical ontology of language.<em>Language Sciences</em>, 32: 1, pp. 1-13.</p><p>Seargeant, P. (2009) Philosophies of language in the fictions of Jorge Luis Borges.<em>Philosophy and Literature</em>. 33: 2, pp. 386-401.</p><p>Seargeant, P. (2009) Metaphors of possession in the conceptualisation of language.<em>Language&amp; Communication</em>, 29: 4, pp. 383-393.</p><p>Seargeant, P. (2009) Language ideology, language theory, and the regulation of linguistic behaviour.<em>Language Sciences</em>, 31: 4, pp. 345-359.</p><p>Seargeant, P. (2009) Ideologies of English in Shakespeare&rsquo;s Henry V.<em>Language and Literature</em>, 18: 1, pp. 25&ndash;44.</p><p>Seargeant, P. (2008) Language, ideology and&lsquo;English within a globalized context&rsquo;.<em>World Englishes</em>, 27: 2, pp. 217-232.</p><p>Seargeant, P. (2008) Ideologies of English in Japan: the perspective of policy and pedagogy.<em>Language Policy</em>, 7: 2, pp. 121-142.</p><p>Seargeant, P. (2007) Discursive diversity in the textual articulation of epidemic disease in Early Modern England,<em>Language and Literature</em>, 16: 4, pp. 339-360.</p><p>Seargeant, P. (2005)&lsquo;More English than England itself&rsquo;: the simulation of authenticity in foreign language practice in Japan,<em>International Journal of Applied Linguistics</em>, 15: 3, pp. 326-345.</p><p>Seargeant, P. (2005) Globalisation and reconfigured English in Japan,<em>World Englishes</em>, 24: 3, pp. 309-319.</p><p><strong>Chapters in books</strong></p><p>Seargeant, P. (2020) Social media and self-fashioning: the construction of a political persona from Elizabeth I to Donald J. Trump, in Tagg, C. and Evans, M. (eds)&nbsp;<em>Historicising the Digital: English language practices in new and old media</em>. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.</p><p><span>Edwards, A. and Seargeant, P. (2020) Beyond English as a second or foreign language: Local uses and the cultural politics of identification, in Schreier, D., Hundt, M. and Schneider, E. (eds)&nbsp;</span><i>The Cambridge Handbook of World Englishes</i><span>, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 311-359.</span></p><p><span>Seargeant, P. (2019) English in Japan in an era of global uncertainty. In Reinders, H., Ryan, S. and Nakamura, S. (eds)&nbsp;<i>Innovation in Language Learning&amp; Teaching: The Case of Japan</i>. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 9-22.&nbsp;</span></p><p>Seargeant, P. and Tagg, C. (2018) Critical digital literacy education in the&lsquo;fake news&rsquo; era, in Reedy, K. and Parker, J. (eds)<em>Digital literacy unpacked</em>. London: Facet, pp. 179-190.</p><p>Seargeant, P., Hewings, A. and Pihlaja, S. (2018) An introduction to English Language Studies, in Seargeant, P., Hewings, A. and Pihlaja, S. (eds)<em>The Routledge handbook of English Language Studies</em>. Abingdon: Routledge<span>, pp. 1-12</span>.</p><p>Seargeant, P. (2018) The idea of English, in Seargeant, P., Hewings, A. and Pihlaja, S. (eds)<em>The Routledge handbook of English Language Studies</em>. Abingdon: Routledge<span>, pp. 15-27</span>.</p><p>Solly, M., Hasan Chowdhury, Q. Erling, E. J. and Seargeant , P. (2017) The role of English in the safety, stability, and resilience of economic migrants from Bangladesh to the Middle East, in Erling, E. J. (ed.)<a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><em>English across the Fracture Lines: the Contribution and Relevance of English to Security, Stability and Peace</em></a>, London: British Council, pp. 109-114.</p><p>Seargeant, P. (2017) Teaching the history of English online: open education and student engagement. In Hayes, M. and Burkette, A. (eds)<em>The Future of the History of the English Language: Pedagogical Practices</em>. Oxford: Oxford University Press.&nbsp;</p><p>Tagg, C. and Seargeant, P. (2017) Negotiating social roles in semi-public online contexts. In Sirpa Lepp&auml;nen, P., Kyt&ouml;l&auml;, S., Peuronen, S., Jousm&auml;ki, H. and Westinen, E. (eds)<em>Discourse and identification: diversity and heterogeneity in social media practices</em>. Abingdon: Routledge.&nbsp;</p><p>Seargeant, P. (2016) Language and art. In Demj&eacute;n, Z. and Seargeant, P. (eds)<em>Creativity in language: From everyday style to verbal art</em>. Milton Keynes: Open University. pp. 277-328.</p><p>Seargeant, P. (2016) World Englishes and English as a Lingua Franca: a changing context for ELT, in Hall, G. (ed) The<em>Routledge handbook of English language teaching</em>. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 13-25.</p><p>Prescott, L., Hewings, A. and Seargeant, P. (2016) Introduction, in Hewings, H., Prescott, L. and Seargeant, P. (eds)<em>Futures for English Studies: Teaching language, literature and creative writing in higher education</em>. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1-10.&nbsp;</p><p>Hewings, H. and Seargeant, P. (2016) English language studies: a critical appraisal. In Hewings, H., Prescott, L. and Seargeant, P. (eds)<em>Futures for English Studies: Teaching language, literature and creative writing in higher education</em>. Hounslow: Palgrave Macmillan.</p><p>Tagg, C. and Seargeant, P. (2015) Facebook and the discursive construction of the social network, in Spilioti, T. and Georgakopoulou, A. (eds)<em>The Routledge handbook of language and digital communication</em>. Abingdon: Routledge.</p><p>Seargeant, P. and Tagg, C. (2014) The language of social media, in Seargeant, P. and Tagg, C. (eds)<em>The language of social media: identity and community on the internet</em>. London: Palgrave Macmillan.</p><p>Tagg, C. and Seargeant, P. (2014) Audience design and language choice in the construction and maintenance of translocal communities on social network sites, in Seargeant, P. and Tagg, C. (eds)<em>The language of social media: identity and community on the internet</em>. London: Palgrave Macmillan.&nbsp;</p><p>Erling, E. J., Hamid, M. O., and Seargeant, P. (2013) Grassroots attitudes to the positioning of English as a language for international development: Insights from Bangladesh, in Erling, E. J. and Seargeant, P. (eds)<em>English and development: policy, pedagogy and globalization</em>. Bristol: Multilingual Matters.</p><p>Seargeant, P. and Erling, E. J. (2013) English and development in a global world, in Erling, E. J. and Seargeant, P. (eds)<em>English and development: policy, pedagogy and globalization</em>. Bristol: Multilingual Matters.</p><p>Seargeant, P. (2013) Ideologies of nativism and linguistic globalisation, in Houghton, S. and Rivers, D. (eds)<em>Native-speakerism in Japan: intergroup dynamics in foreign language education</em>, pp. 231-242<em>.</em>Bristol: Multilingual Matters.</p><p>Seargeant, P. (2012) Between script and language: the ambiguous ascription of&lsquo;English&rsquo; in the linguistic landscape, in H&eacute;lot, C., Barni, M., Janssens, R. and Bagna, C. (eds)<em>Linguistic landscapes, multilingualism and social change</em>. Frankfurt: Peter Lang, pp. 187-200.</p><p>Seargeant, P. (2012) The politics and policies of global English, in Hewings, A. and Tagg, C. (eds)<em>The politics of English: conflict, competition, coexistence</em>. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 5-32.</p><p>Seargeant, P. (2012) Imagining the future of English, in Hewings, A. and Tagg, C. (eds)<em>The politics of English: conflict, competition, coexistence</em>. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 339-346.</p><p>Seargeant, P. (2012) Ideologies of English in Shakespeare&rsquo;s<em>Henry V</em>, in Lee, M. (ed.)<em>Shakespearean Criticism</em>. Vol. 144. Detroit: Gale, Cengage Learning, pp. 208-220.</p><p>Seargeant, P. (2012) English in the world today, in Seargeant, P. and Swann, J. (eds)<em>English in the world: history, diversity, change.</em>Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 5-35.</p><p>Leith, D. and Seargeant, P. (2012) A colonial language, in Seargeant, P. and Swann, J. (eds)<em>English in the world: history, diversity, change.</em>Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 101-135.</p><p>Seargeant, P. (2012) English and linguistic globalisation, in Seargeant, P. and Swann, J. (eds)<em>English in the world: history, diversity, change.</em>Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 178-187.</p><p>Seargeant, P. (2011) English in Japan in the era of globalization, in Seargeant, P. (ed.)<em>English in Japan in the era of globalization</em>. Hounslow: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1-12.</p><p>Seargeant, P. (2011) The symbolic meaning of visual English in the social landscape of Japan, in Seargeant, P. (ed.)<em>English in Japan in the era of globalization</em>, pp. 187-204. Hounslow: Palgrave Macmillan.</p><p>Seargeant, P. and Erling, E. J. (2011) The discourse of&lsquo;English as a language for international development&rsquo;: policy assumptions and practical challenges, in Coleman, H. (ed.)<em>Dreams and realities: developing countries and the English language</em>. London: British Council, pp. 248-267. Available at<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a></p><p>Seargeant, P. (2010) Time, tense and perception in the narrative voice of Bret Easton Ellis&rsquo;s Lunar Park, in Cook, G. and North, S. (eds)<em>Applied linguistics in action: a reader</em>. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 246-256.</p><p><strong>Reports</strong></p><p>Erling, E. J., Seargeant , P., Solly, M., Hasan Chowdhury, Q. and Rahman, S. (2012)<em>Attitudes to English as a language for international development in rural Bangladesh</em>. London: British Council.&nbsp;Available at&nbsp;<a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a></p><p>Erling, E. J., Seargeant , P., Solly, M., Hasan Chowdhury, Q. and Rahman, S. (2015),<em>English for economic development: a case study of migrant workers from Bangladesh</em>. London: British Council. Available at&nbsp;<a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a></p><p><strong>Book review</strong></p><p>Seargeant, P. (2018) Book review of<em>Multilingual Subjects: On Standard English, Its Speakers, and Others in the Long Eighteenth Century</em>, by Daniel DeWispelare,<em>Journal of British Studies</em>, 57: 3,</p>
Description <p>I am an applied linguist, specialising in the relationship between language, politics and social media.</p><p>@philipseargeant</p><p><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a></p><p><strong>Research</strong></p><p>My research focuses on:</p><ul><li>Language and social media, with a particular focus on the politics of online interaction. This includes&nbsp;the project&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank">Creating Facebook:&nbsp;the management of conflict and the pursuit of online conviviality</a>&nbsp;(with Caroline Tagg).&nbsp;Details of&#39;context design&#39; can be found&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank">here</a>. Findings from this project fed into the<a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">evidence</a>we presented to the parliamentary select committee on&#39;fake news&#39; in 2017/18. (Link to supplementary<a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">evidence</a>.)</li><li>English around the world.</li><li>Language and creativity. This includes the project&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank">Creativity and politics in the linguistic landscape</a>(with Korina Giaxoglou and Frank Monaghan).</li><li>I was prevoiusly director of the Language and Communication Research group, and before that of the Applied Linguistics and Literacies Research Group. I am on the editorial boards of<em><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">English Today</a></em>and<em><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">World Englishes</a></em>.</li></ul><p>In addition to this I have worked as a consultant for the BBC on a number of programmes, and&nbsp;written for publications such as&nbsp;<em>The New European</em>,&nbsp;<em>The Huffington Post</em>,&nbsp;<em>Times Higher Education</em>,&nbsp;<em>Prospect</em>,&nbsp;<em>The Independent</em>,&nbsp;<em>The Washington Post, OpenDemocracy, The New Statesman&nbsp;</em>and&nbsp;<em>Lib</em><em>&eacute;ration</em>. Please see&nbsp;<a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>&nbsp;for more details.</p><p><strong>Teaching&nbsp;</strong></p><p>I teach language and communication studies, focusing on topics including linguistic creativity, English around the world, and the relationship between language, politics and society.&nbsp;</p><p>I am currently working on the new Level 2 undergaduate module L201.&nbsp;Previously I was&nbsp;deputy chair on the production of&nbsp;L101 An Introduction to English Language Studies,&nbsp;production chair of&nbsp;the undergraduate module&nbsp;<em><a href="" target="_blank">E302 Language and Creativity</a>,&nbsp;</em>(winner of a Teaching Excellence Award)&nbsp;and&nbsp;have contributed to&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank"><em>A105 Voices, Texts and Material Culture</em></a>,&nbsp;<em>A150 Voices and Texts</em>,&nbsp;<em><a href="" target="_blank">U214 Worlds of English</a>,</em>&nbsp;<em>U211 Exploring the English Language</em>,&nbsp;<em><a href="" target="_blank">EA300 Children&rsquo;s Literature</a>&nbsp;</em>(winner of OU Teaching Award),&nbsp;<em>E854 Investigating Language in Action&nbsp;</em>and&nbsp;<em><a href="">EE817 Applied Linguistics and English Language</a></em>.</p><p>I have also authored several award-winning Open Educational Resources.&nbsp;Please see&nbsp;<a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>&nbsp;for more details.</p><p><strong>Publications</strong></p><p><strong>Books</strong>(for full details of books see<a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>)</p><p><span style="caret-color: rgb(0, 0, 0); color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-size: 11pt; font-family: Arial, sans-serif;">Seargeant, P. (2020)&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank"><i>The Art Of Political Storytelling: Why Stories Win Votes In Post-Truth Politics</i></a>, London: Bloomsbury</span></p><p>Seargeant, P. (2019)<em><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">The Emoji Revolution: How Technology is Shaping the Future of Communication</a></em>.&nbsp;Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.</p><p>Seargeant, P., Hewings, A. and Pihlaja, S. (eds) (2018)<a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><em>The Routledge handbook of English Language Studies</em></a>. Abingdon: Routledge.</p><p>Tagg, C, Seargeant, P. and Brown, A. A. (2017)<a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><em>Taking offence on social media: conviviality and communication on Facebook</em></a>. London: Palgrave Macmillan.</p><p>Demj&eacute;n, Z. and Seargeant, P. (eds) (2016)&nbsp;<em>Creativity in language: From everyday style to verbal art</em>. Milton Keynes: Open University.&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank">Companion website</a>.</p><p>Hewings, H., Prescott, L. and Seargeant, P. (eds) (2016)&nbsp;<a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><em>Futures for English Studies: Teaching language, literature and creative writing in higher education</em></a>. Hounslow: Palgrave Macmillan.</p><p>Seargeant, P. and Tagg, C. (eds) (2014)&nbsp;<a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><em>The language of social media: identity and community on the internet</em></a>. London: Palgrave Macmillan.</p><p>Seargeant, P. and Greenwell, B. (2013)&nbsp;<a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><em>From language to creative writing: an introduction</em></a>. London: Bloomsbury Academic.</p><p>Erling, E. J. and Seargeant, P. (eds) (2013)&nbsp;<a href=";sf1=title_exact&amp;st1=englishanddevelopment" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><em>English and development: policy, pedagogy and globalization</em></a>. Bristol: Multilingual Matters.&nbsp;</p><p>Seargeant, P. (2012)&nbsp;<a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><em>Exploring World Englishes: language in a global context</em></a>. Abingdon: Routledge.&nbsp;<a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Companion website</a>.</p><p>Seargeant, P. and Swann, J. (eds) (2012)&nbsp;<em><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">English in the world: history, diversity, change</a>.&nbsp;</em>Abingdon: Routledge.&nbsp;<a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Companion website</a>.</p><p>Seargeant, P. (ed.) (2011)&nbsp;<a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><em>English in Japan in the era of globalization</em></a>. Hounslow: Palgrave Macmillan.</p><p>Seargeant, P. (2009)&nbsp;<a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><em>The idea of English in Japan: ideology and the evolution of a global language</em></a>. Bristol: Multilingual Matters.</p><p><strong>Journal articles</strong></p><p>Tagg, C. and Seargeant, P. (2019) Context design and critical language/media awareness: implications for a social digital literacies education,&nbsp;<em>Linguistics and Education</em>,</p><p><span>Seargeant , P. and Chapman, C. (2019) Using Shakespeare to teach English in the digital age.&nbsp;<i>ELT Journal</i>, 73: 1, pp. 21&ndash;30 .</span></p><p>Erling, E. J., Hasan Chowdhury, Q., Solly, M. and Seargeant, P. (2018)&lsquo;Successful&rsquo; migration, (English) language skills and global inequality: The case of Bangladeshi migrants to the Middle East,<em>Multilingua</em>, DOI:&nbsp;</p><p>Seargeant, P. and Tagg, C. (2018) Social media and the Future of Open Debate: a User-Oriented Approach to Facebook&rsquo;s Filter Bubble Conundrum,&nbsp;<em>Discourse, Context&amp; Media,&nbsp;</em></p><p>Seargeant, P. (2017) The symbolism of English on the Brexit battleground.<em>World Englishes</em>, 36: 3, pp. 356&ndash;359.</p><p>Seargeant , P., Erling, E. J., Solly, M. and Hasan Chowdhury, Q. (2017) The communicative needs of Bangladeshi economic migrants: The functional values of host country languages versus English as a lingua franca.<em>Journal of English as a Lingua Franca</em>, 6: 1, DOI:;</p><p>Seargeant , P., Erling, E. J., Solly, M., Hasan Chowdhury, Q. and Rahman, S. (2016) Analysing perceptions of English in rural Bangladesh: insights from postcolonial theory and world Englishes.<em>World Englishes</em>, DOI: 10.1111/weng.12215&nbsp;</p><p>Erling, E. J., Seargeant , P. and Solly, M. (2014) English in rural Bangladesh: How is language education perceived as a resource for development in rural communities?<em>English Today</em>. 30: 4, pp. 15-21.</p><p>Hewings, A. and Seargeant, P. (2014) Constructing the discipline: pedagogically-focused knowledge production in English language studies.<em>Open Learning: The Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning</em>. 29: 2, pp. 131-144.</p><p>Tagg, C. and Seargeant, P. (2012) Writing systems at play in Thai-English online interactions.&nbsp;<em>Writing Systems Research.&nbsp;</em>4: 2, pp. 195-213.</p><p>Seargeant, P., Tagg, C. and Ngampramuan, W. (2012) Language choice and addressivity strategies in Thai-English social network interactions.<em>Journal of Sociolinguistics</em>. 16: 4, pp. 510&ndash;531.</p><p>Pan Lin and Seargeant, P. (2012) Is English threatening Chinese language and culture?<em>English Today</em>. 28: 3, pp. 60-66.</p><p>Seargeant, P. (2012) Disciplinarity and the study of world Englishes.<em>World Englishes</em>. 31: 1, pp. 113&ndash;129.</p><p>Seargeant, P. and Tagg, C. (2011) English on the internet and a&lsquo;post-varieties&rsquo; approach to language.<em>World Englishes</em>. 30: 4, pp. 496&ndash;514.&nbsp;</p><p>Seargeant, P. (2011) Lexicography as a philosophy of language.<em>Language Sciences</em>, 33: 1, 1&ndash;10.</p><p>Seargeant, P. (2010) Naming and defining in World Englishes.<em>World Englishes</em>. 29:1, pp. 99-115.</p><p>Seargeant, P. (2010) The historical ontology of language.<em>Language Sciences</em>, 32: 1, pp. 1-13.</p><p>Seargeant, P. (2009) Philosophies of language in the fictions of Jorge Luis Borges.<em>Philosophy and Literature</em>. 33: 2, pp. 386-401.</p><p>Seargeant, P. (2009) Metaphors of possession in the conceptualisation of language.<em>Language&amp; Communication</em>, 29: 4, pp. 383-393.</p><p>Seargeant, P. (2009) Language ideology, language theory, and the regulation of linguistic behaviour.<em>Language Sciences</em>, 31: 4, pp. 345-359.</p><p>Seargeant, P. (2009) Ideologies of English in Shakespeare&rsquo;s Henry V.<em>Language and Literature</em>, 18: 1, pp. 25&ndash;44.</p><p>Seargeant, P. (2008) Language, ideology and&lsquo;English within a globalized context&rsquo;.<em>World Englishes</em>, 27: 2, pp. 217-232.</p><p>Seargeant, P. (2008) Ideologies of English in Japan: the perspective of policy and pedagogy.<em>Language Policy</em>, 7: 2, pp. 121-142.</p><p>Seargeant, P. (2007) Discursive diversity in the textual articulation of epidemic disease in Early Modern England,<em>Language and Literature</em>, 16: 4, pp. 339-360.</p><p>Seargeant, P. (2005)&lsquo;More English than England itself&rsquo;: the simulation of authenticity in foreign language practice in Japan,<em>International Journal of Applied Linguistics</em>, 15: 3, pp. 326-345.</p><p>Seargeant, P. (2005) Globalisation and reconfigured English in Japan,<em>World Englishes</em>, 24: 3, pp. 309-319.</p><p><strong>Chapters in books</strong></p><p>Seargeant, P. (2020) Social media and self-fashioning: the construction of a political persona from Elizabeth I to Donald J. Trump, in Tagg, C. and Evans, M. (eds)&nbsp;<em>Historicising the Digital: English language practices in new and old media</em>. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.</p><p><span>Edwards, A. and Seargeant, P. (2020) Beyond English as a second or foreign language: Local uses and the cultural politics of identification, in Schreier, D., Hundt, M. and Schneider, E. (eds)&nbsp;</span><i>The Cambridge Handbook of World Englishes</i><span>, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 311-359.</span></p><p><span>Seargeant, P. (2019) English in Japan in an era of global uncertainty. In Reinders, H., Ryan, S. and Nakamura, S. (eds)&nbsp;<i>Innovation in Language Learning&amp; Teaching: The Case of Japan</i>. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 9-22.&nbsp;</span></p><p>Seargeant, P. and Tagg, C. (2018) Critical digital literacy education in the&lsquo;fake news&rsquo; era, in Reedy, K. and Parker, J. (eds)<em>Digital literacy unpacked</em>. London: Facet, pp. 179-190.</p><p>Seargeant, P., Hewings, A. and Pihlaja, S. (2018) An introduction to English Language Studies, in Seargeant, P., Hewings, A. and Pihlaja, S. (eds)<em>The Routledge handbook of English Language Studies</em>. Abingdon: Routledge<span>, pp. 1-12</span>.</p><p>Seargeant, P. (2018) The idea of English, in Seargeant, P., Hewings, A. and Pihlaja, S. (eds)<em>The Routledge handbook of English Language Studies</em>. Abingdon: Routledge<span>, pp. 15-27</span>.</p><p>Solly, M., Hasan Chowdhury, Q. Erling, E. J. and Seargeant , P. (2017) The role of English in the safety, stability, and resilience of economic migrants from Bangladesh to the Middle East, in Erling, E. J. (ed.)<a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><em>English across the Fracture Lines: the Contribution and Relevance of English to Security, Stability and Peace</em></a>, London: British Council, pp. 109-114.</p><p>Seargeant, P. (2017) Teaching the history of English online: open education and student engagement. In Hayes, M. and Burkette, A. (eds)<em>The Future of the History of the English Language: Pedagogical Practices</em>. Oxford: Oxford University Press.&nbsp;</p><p>Tagg, C. and Seargeant, P. (2017) Negotiating social roles in semi-public online contexts. In Sirpa Lepp&auml;nen, P., Kyt&ouml;l&auml;, S., Peuronen, S., Jousm&auml;ki, H. and Westinen, E. (eds)<em>Discourse and identification: diversity and heterogeneity in social media practices</em>. Abingdon: Routledge.&nbsp;</p><p>Seargeant, P. (2016) Language and art. In Demj&eacute;n, Z. and Seargeant, P. (eds)<em>Creativity in language: From everyday style to verbal art</em>. Milton Keynes: Open University. pp. 277-328.</p><p>Seargeant, P. (2016) World Englishes and English as a Lingua Franca: a changing context for ELT, in Hall, G. (ed) The<em>Routledge handbook of English language teaching</em>. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 13-25.</p><p>Prescott, L., Hewings, A. and Seargeant, P. (2016) Introduction, in Hewings, H., Prescott, L. and Seargeant, P. (eds)<em>Futures for English Studies: Teaching language, literature and creative writing in higher education</em>. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1-10.&nbsp;</p><p>Hewings, H. and Seargeant, P. (2016) English language studies: a critical appraisal. In Hewings, H., Prescott, L. and Seargeant, P. (eds)<em>Futures for English Studies: Teaching language, literature and creative writing in higher education</em>. Hounslow: Palgrave Macmillan.</p><p>Tagg, C. and Seargeant, P. (2015) Facebook and the discursive construction of the social network, in Spilioti, T. and Georgakopoulou, A. (eds)<em>The Routledge handbook of language and digital communication</em>. Abingdon: Routledge.</p><p>Seargeant, P. and Tagg, C. (2014) The language of social media, in Seargeant, P. and Tagg, C. (eds)<em>The language of social media: identity and community on the internet</em>. London: Palgrave Macmillan.</p><p>Tagg, C. and Seargeant, P. (2014) Audience design and language choice in the construction and maintenance of translocal communities on social network sites, in Seargeant, P. and Tagg, C. (eds)<em>The language of social media: identity and community on the internet</em>. London: Palgrave Macmillan.&nbsp;</p><p>Erling, E. J., Hamid, M. O., and Seargeant, P. (2013) Grassroots attitudes to the positioning of English as a language for international development: Insights from Bangladesh, in Erling, E. J. and Seargeant, P. (eds)<em>English and development: policy, pedagogy and globalization</em>. Bristol: Multilingual Matters.</p><p>Seargeant, P. and Erling, E. J. (2013) English and development in a global world, in Erling, E. J. and Seargeant, P. (eds)<em>English and development: policy, pedagogy and globalization</em>. Bristol: Multilingual Matters.</p><p>Seargeant, P. (2013) Ideologies of nativism and linguistic globalisation, in Houghton, S. and Rivers, D. (eds)<em>Native-speakerism in Japan: intergroup dynamics in foreign language education</em>, pp. 231-242<em>.</em>Bristol: Multilingual Matters.</p><p>Seargeant, P. (2012) Between script and language: the ambiguous ascription of&lsquo;English&rsquo; in the linguistic landscape, in H&eacute;lot, C., Barni, M., Janssens, R. and Bagna, C. (eds)<em>Linguistic landscapes, multilingualism and social change</em>. Frankfurt: Peter Lang, pp. 187-200.</p><p>Seargeant, P. (2012) The politics and policies of global English, in Hewings, A. and Tagg, C. (eds)<em>The politics of English: conflict, competition, coexistence</em>. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 5-32.</p><p>Seargeant, P. (2012) Imagining the future of English, in Hewings, A. and Tagg, C. (eds)<em>The politics of English: conflict, competition, coexistence</em>. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 339-346.</p><p>Seargeant, P. (2012) Ideologies of English in Shakespeare&rsquo;s<em>Henry V</em>, in Lee, M. (ed.)<em>Shakespearean Criticism</em>. Vol. 144. Detroit: Gale, Cengage Learning, pp. 208-220.</p><p>Seargeant, P. (2012) English in the world today, in Seargeant, P. and Swann, J. (eds)<em>English in the world: history, diversity, change.</em>Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 5-35.</p><p>Leith, D. and Seargeant, P. (2012) A colonial language, in Seargeant, P. and Swann, J. (eds)<em>English in the world: history, diversity, change.</em>Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 101-135.</p><p>Seargeant, P. (2012) English and linguistic globalisation, in Seargeant, P. and Swann, J. (eds)<em>English in the world: history, diversity, change.</em>Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 178-187.</p><p>Seargeant, P. (2011) English in Japan in the era of globalization, in Seargeant, P. (ed.)<em>English in Japan in the era of globalization</em>. Hounslow: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1-12.</p><p>Seargeant, P. (2011) The symbolic meaning of visual English in the social landscape of Japan, in Seargeant, P. (ed.)<em>English in Japan in the era of globalization</em>, pp. 187-204. Hounslow: Palgrave Macmillan.</p><p>Seargeant, P. and Erling, E. J. (2011) The discourse of&lsquo;English as a language for international development&rsquo;: policy assumptions and practical challenges, in Coleman, H. (ed.)<em>Dreams and realities: developing countries and the English language</em>. London: British Council, pp. 248-267. Available at<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a></p><p>Seargeant, P. (2010) Time, tense and perception in the narrative voice of Bret Easton Ellis&rsquo;s Lunar Park, in Cook, G. and North, S. (eds)<em>Applied linguistics in action: a reader</em>. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 246-256.</p><p><strong>Reports</strong></p><p>Erling, E. J., Seargeant , P., Solly, M., Hasan Chowdhury, Q. and Rahman, S. (2012)<em>Attitudes to English as a language for international development in rural Bangladesh</em>. London: British Council.&nbsp;Available at&nbsp;<a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a></p><p>Erling, E. J., Seargeant , P., Solly, M., Hasan Chowdhury, Q. and Rahman, S. (2015),<em>English for economic development: a case study of migrant workers from Bangladesh</em>. London: British Council. Available at&nbsp;<a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a></p><p><strong>Book review</strong></p><p>Seargeant, P. (2018) Book review of<em>Multilingual Subjects: On Standard English, Its Speakers, and Others in the Long Eighteenth Century</em>, by Daniel DeWispelare,<em>Journal of British Studies</em>, 57: 3,</p>
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